Andrea Owusu, also known as Efia Odo who was based in the U.S and relocated to Ghana appeared on the “The Day Show” with Berla Mundi on TV3 and was asked what pisses her the most about where Ghana is at the moment.
The Day Show |
Efia Odo passionately spoke about the deteriorating Ghana economy and spilled the beans;
Ghana Is Broke Financially, we are working so hard and they can not say that the youth are lazy.
I see people working everyday, every morning on the streets. Mothers having their kids on their backs trying to make ends meet on the daily basis so we are not LAZY!
It’s just that you work so hard and just make coins in the end, literally there’s no FUTURE.
In America you can just work for McDonald’s and build a future for yourself, over here you literally working hard just to buy Waakye to eat.
You can’t even think of buying a car or house you just thinking of how to eat tomorrow and that’s a PROBLEM, she said.
Berla Mundi the host show with a follow up question asked, so why are you not speaking for “Fix The Country” anymore.
Efia Odo; I actually want change direction and I feel at end of the day the things that I say they know it and they see it.
I have to take upon myself and find a way to help the people because the people in power, the people we voted and gave power to are not willing to help us then I have to find a way within myself, my power and platform to help the people I so badly care which is the Ghanaian people, she added.